New Radio Documentary: The Lost Boys of Daylesford

I’m very excited to say a documentary I’ve produced for Radio National, The Lost Boys of Daylesford, is available to download now!

Memorial cairn near where the lost boys were found, Musk (November 2020)

On a clear, cold Sunday in June 1867, three little boys wandered away from their home near the town of Daylesford, on Dja Dja Wurrung country in central Victoria. Over the next six weeks the boys’ story gripped the colony, and made newspaper headlines around the world. Over a century later, the case continues to capture the imagination of locals and visitors to the region. Philosopher Patrick Stokes heads to Daylesford to find out why the lost children story has such enduring and haunting resonance.

This was a sad and haunting story to work on, but also a fascinating project that took me deep into volcano country to meet some really interesting people: Yvonne, who has tended the memorial on her own for nearly four decades, Megan who wrote a play trying to recover the mothers, and academics piecing together how lost children became such a distinctive and persistent part of the Australian cultural imaginary.

This was also the first non-comedy project Christian Price and I have collaborated on in over 26 years of working together!

I hope you enjoy it, and if you do, please spread the word.